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Hei-Planet Director

Prof. Dr. Joacim Rocklöv

Epidemiologist | Data Scientist | Planetary Health Expert

Current Positions and Affiliations

Prof. Joacim Rocklöv is a globally recognized expert in climate change, infectious diseases, and data science. As Director of the Heidelberg Planetary Health Hub and Chair of the Climate-Sensitive Infectious Diseases Group (CSIDlab), he leads cutting-edge research to advance health surveillance, pandemic preparedness, and data-driven solutions to global health challenges.

He co-directs the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change in Europe and contributes to major international research activities, such as the IPCC reports. His interdisciplinary approach fosters collaboration between fields such as epidemiology, public health, environmental science, ecology, microbiology, and computational sciences.


Through his leadership at the Planetary Health Hub, Prof. Rocklöv is committed to fostering new and innovative interdisciplinary science and scientists, triangulating the collection of new field data, building digital information systems and predictive models, and supporting the development of innovative strategies and policy to address the urgent health challenges posed by the planetary crises.

Selected scientific publications

Treskova M, Bärnighausen T, Pompeu CR, Rocklöv J. From heatwaves to food systems: epidemiologists addressing climate challenges. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2024 Oct;53(5):dyae117.
Rocklöv J, Dubrow R. Climate change: an enduring challenge for vector-borne disease prevention and control. Nature immunology. 2020 May;21(5):479-83.Rocklöv J, Semenza JC, Dasgupta S, Robinson EJ, Abd El Wahed A, Alcayna T, Arnés-Sanz C, Bailey M, Bärnighausen T, Bartumeus F, Borrell C. Decision-support tools to build climate resilience against emerging infectious diseases in Europe and beyond. The Lancet Regional Health–Europe. 2023 Sep 1;32.
Liyanage P, Tozan Y, Overgaard HJ, Tissera HA, Rocklöv J. Effect of El Niño–Southern Oscillation and local weather on Aedes vector activity from 2010 to 2018 in Kalutara district, Sri Lanka: a two-stage hierarchical analysis. The Lancet Planetary Health. 2022 Jul 1;6(7):e577-85.
Farooq Z, Sjödin H, Semenza JC, Tozan Y, Sewe MO, Wallin J, Rocklöv J. European projections of West Nile virus transmission under climate change scenarios. One Health. 2023 Jun 1;16:100509.
Rocklöv J, Tozan Y, Ramadona A, Sewe MO, Sudre B, Garrido J, de Saint Lary CB, Lohr W, Semenza JC. Using big data to monitor the introduction and spread of Chikungunya, Europe, 2017. Emerging infectious diseases. 2019 Jun;25(6):1041.
van Daalen KR, Tonne C, Semenza JC, Rocklöv J, Markandya A, Dasandi N, Jankin S, Achebak H, Ballester J, Bechara H, Beck TM. The 2024 Europe report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: unprecedented warming demands unprecedented action. The Lancet Public Health. 2024 May 12.

Achievements and Recognition

  • Alexander von Humboldt Professorship (2021)
  • Prince Albert II of Monaco – Institut Pasteur Prize (2019)
  • Umeå University’s Young Researcher Award (2012)

Research Leadership
Prof. Rocklöv is an esteemed leader in global health research, holding pivotal roles in numerous international projects and initiatives:


These projects focus on a range of critical topics, including antimicrobial resistance, planetary health crises, and pandemic preparedness.

Editorial Roles

  • Section Editor, PLOS Climate
  • Associate Editor, International Journal of Epidemiology

Recent teaching

  • AI in Public Health at the African Institute of Mathematics (Learn more)
  • Summer course on Applied Modelling of Climate-sensitive Infectious Diseases (Learn more)
  • Summer course on Nature-based Solutions for Tackling Global Health Challenges (Learn more)
  • One Health Approaches to Study Climate-sensitive Infectious Diseases (Learn more)

Research profiles