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Research hub and community


Enhancing planetary health by discovering the interdependencies between human health, ecosystems, and the environment and investigating effective, sustainable interventions.

The Heidelberg Planetary Health Hub (Hei-Planet) is a dynamic research environment and community dedicated to addressing three fundamental and interlinked planetary challenges through a health-focused lens: 

  • climate change
  • environmental degradation
  • pollution, and biodiversity loss

We position human health within the context of healthy ecosystems and environments. Our scientific inquiry and interdisciplinary research explore the mechanisms and connections between human health and the health of the Earth’s natural systems. Our goal is to measure and predict health impacts while identifying opportunities and solutions that support sustainable societal transitions.

The Hub aims to pioneer transformative interdisciplinary research at the intersection of climate change, health, society, ecology, environment, and technology. We seek to understand and tackle the complex, interconnected challenges that affect both human and planetary health.


Using innovative models and approaches, we integrate data from diverse fields and connect various scales through a combined micro and macro perspective.


We design field studies and develop evidence-based interventions that enhance societal resilience and promote a healthy planet amid the threats posed by the triple crisis.


By applying scientific methods, facilitating interdisciplinary data flow, and enabling analogical transfer from the early stages of research ideation through to implementation, we foster a multi-perspective approach to research questions.

Our themes

Climate change and infectious diseases
Climate change and heat-related ill-health
Environmental degradation and zoonoses
Nature-based solutions and health
Environmental plastic pollution and indirect health outcomes
Novel surveillance data streams and geospatial predictions
Biodiversity and health

Our expertise

The Triple Planetary Health Crisis
Domain expertise on identifying pathways and quantifying impacts of climate change, environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, nature-based solutions and health outcomes.
Evaluation of Interventions and Economics
Co-design and evaluation of interventions that go beyond healthcare and focus on healthy environments and ecosystem. Understanding and quantify economic outcomes of health impacts and interventions.
Modelling and Data Science
Vast modelling expertise including climate and remote-sensing data analyses, machine-learning, statistical modelling, process-based modelling, GIS, and modelling method development.
Citizen Science and Novel Data Streams
Societal approaches and technological solutions for citizen science development to generate novel data streams for the research.
Predictions and scenario-based modelling
Experience in applied modeling and predictions of health-related outcomes in relation to real-life multi-driver situations and projections of health risks within climate change scenarios.
Eco-Epidemiology and Field Study Design
Methods for field study design and integrated data collections for research across spatial and temporal scales.

Coordination team

Hei-Planet comprises over 30 interdisciplinary researchers at Heidelberg University who are connected to a larger international research community, collaborating on various research and outreach projects.


Joacim Rocklöv

Hei-Planet Hub Director & CSIDlab group leader

Hedi Kriit

Lancet Countdown Europe group leader

Marina Treskova

Eco-epidemiology junior group leader

Peter Fransson

Post-doctoral researcher

Stella Dafka

Post-doctoral researcher